Getting Started

If it is your first visit to Shop Talk, scroll down to the blue navigation bar and click on “Sign Up” in the upper-right corner.

Follow the directions to complete your registration and verify your email address. 

Once you're registered and approved, you can sign in in the future using your username and password.

You can update your profile and change your account settings at any time once you are logged in by clicking on your profile icon in the top right corner of the Shop Talk blue navigation bar.

Posting to the Shop Talk discussion board

You can start a new post or respond to an existing one, create a new topic and upload and view documents and images (e.g., waveforms, scan data, component photos) to share with others.

When posting to Shop Talk, please adhere to the following:

  • Be specific (vehicle model year, make, model, engine size, etc.).

  • Include the repair history, if you know it.

  • Include your diagnosis and what you’ve done so far.

Follow specific topics and sign up for email alerts

When you register for Shop Talk and create your profile, you have the option to follow specific discussion topics and to receive email alert notifications when someone posts to your topics or responds to a discussion or comment you posted.

To follow topics and receive email alerts, go to your profile “Settings” page, then choose the types of notifications you wish to receive under “Preferences.